Thomas Rivers Brown & Julian Fayard’s Ace Winemaking Duo’s, MUST HAVE PINOT

Belharra is the name of a legendary surf spot located on the Basque coast off Socoa, France, where storm tides hit an underwater outcropping and cause a rare wave of immense power. Such forces, after a vast journey, create a diverse natural beauty. Our philosophy mirrors the riders of these waves: patiently waiting for opportunities, understanding the contours of each current and practicing the craft with vigilance. 

The winery is a partnership between Anne Fogerty (day-to-day winemaker at Rivers Marier and Thomas Rivers Brown’s wines ) and Camille Gaio (day-to-day winemaker at Julien Fayard’s team) 

Camille was raised in the French Alps, Camille graduated as a sommelier and worked across France before shifting her attention to an education in wine science and viticulture at the University of Bordeaux while working for a premium Chateau. Camille turned a love of the alpine slopes into a love of the ocean swell while on the Western coast of France, and followed the waves and vines to dynamic international vintages in California, Australia, and New Zealand. She is now continuing her growth in Napa Valley, always with an eye on the tide.
Anne was raised in Minnesota. Employment in the vineyards led to a job in the winery, and the opportunity for more learning and even longer days. Caught up in the promise of adventure and travel in wine production, Anne followed harvests around the world after college, always landing back in northern California among family and friends. She settled in Sonoma, and with Camille created Belharra, and the rest is history…

Belharra 2019 Pinot Noir “Alder Springs” Mendocino Ridge
GGWC 49.99
Use code BELHARRA during checkout

This low alcohol (13.5%) single vineyard Pinot Noir offers rich, spicy and savory fruit from this storied Mendocino vineyard. It oozes with black cherry liquor, red stone fruit and a touch of pine. From the first smell throughout the pallet, dark red fruits give structure to a wine with a step-up in weight. This great mountain source grants a touch of minerality to the finish.

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